Menu & Table-Toppers
Grainmaker menu and table-toppers - Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
Posters & Flyers
Zoba - Info graphic style document outlining how Zoba's demand optimised platform works - I conceived the graphics and created them using Illustrator.
Brightwater Horticultural Society - Flower Show Poster - original design created using Illustrator and Photoshop.
Book Design and Typesetting
Creating this book involved deciphering and typesetting over 250 handwritten diary entries then pairing the content with over 200 digitised and enhanced slides. This 'passion project' resulted in 5 printed books that are greatly valued by the authors family.
DETAILS: 300 pages created using InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator.
Yellow Local List
Adverts for the 'Yellow Local List' catalogue. Designed using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
Concept Adverts
Conceptual print advertising designed for small and medium businesses who did not at that time have their own style guides. All of these unique designs demonstrate my ability to create balanced, attractive adverts using type, colour, layout and my imagination

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